Navigate in content of 140033 Clm 22246 which has been linked with edition texts, including other authors/works.7 1_____: Iacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea,Capitula8 29____: _______________________,_________________,V De sancto Thoma apostolo41 b18__: _______________________,_________________,XXX De sancto Iuliano145 b28_: _______________________,_________________,LI De passione Domini234 a14_: _______________________,_________________,LXXI De sancto Pancratio334 a1__: _______________________,_________________,CLXXVIII De dedicatione ecclesie338 a31_: Incertus, Vita S. Norberti, INDEX CAPITUM ET TITULORUM EDITIONIS ANTWERPIENSIS.339 b21_: __________,____________________,PROLOGUS., 1.341 a20_: __________,____________________,VITA., CAPUT PRIMUM. Ortus; saecularis vita, conversio ad meliorem.422 b14_: Iacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea,CLXXVIII De dedicatione ecclesie, De nomine© 2006 - 2024 Monumenta Informatik